WHRDA 2022 Summer Event Info
The annual global WHRDA Digital Event information details are now posted online and registration is open!
As mentioned in previous announcements, we will once again be postponing a global in-person gathering this year, however, our connections through training and competition should not be missed! These essential experiences are always an enhancement to our growth, and also important to maintaining our bonds of camaraderie with our fellow practitioners from around the world.
The digital tournament which was initiated last year was a tremendous success for all involved. Practicing and pushing one's skills for a video recorded performance allows one to go deep into the refinement of the form or techniques. Taking the time to get the performance right is also a benefit of doing things via video vs the one-chance-opportunity of an in-person tournament. There were many people who elevated their skills via this method, so it is definitely worth repeating!
For the Digital Tournament, there will be 4 Event Divisions:
Open Hand Forms – Tae Soo Do and Hwa Rang Do Open Hand Forms (2 minute time limit)
*Or: Gibon Kwonbop (Basics) - For TSD Little Tigers Only (Ages 3 to 7)- Must perform all 4 basics one time on each side
- Weapon Forms - Tae Soo Do and Hwa Rang Do Weapon Forms (2 minute time limit)
Self Defense – Five of your best self-defense techniques performed all together without any video editing.
- It must be self-defense with empty hand counters against only one attacker. The techniques can be against any type of empty hand/foot/grab attack or against an opponent with weapons (all blade weapons must be dull and cannot be with any live blades).
- Time limit - 3 minutes
Shibum (Demonstration) – Each of the Divisions can be performed by one person or a team up to 8 members
- Time Limit – 3 minutes
Music is optional for this Shibum division only
Video Submissions with music – you have 2 options for submission
- Must Submit two videos – one without music and another with the music playing in the background
- Must submit two videos – one without music and another with the music added in post-production (edited into the video afterwards)
Video Submissions with music – you have 2 options for submission
Registration: All registration will be done online via your account @ HWARANGDO.ORG
If you do not have an account setup yet, please go here for instructions (one time process only): https://hwarangdo.org/new-account-setup-steps
- Fees: One Division $25 each additional $15
- Registration Deadline: Midnight Friday, May 27,2022
- Video Submission Deadline: Midnight Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Winners and Awards: The Winners will be announced on Sunday July 10, 2022 during our Annual Awards and Celebration!
- The Winners will be chosen by Kuksanim as he will personally review and critique each submission. Digital Certificates will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each divisions.
For information, requirements, expectations, details, and registration links please go to:
English = https://hwarangdo.org/whrda-2022-digital-championships
Italian = https://hwarangdo.org/it/whrda-2022-digital-championships
Training with our head Grandmasters, Dojoonim & Kuksanim, has always been an exceptional experience whether we are in-person or online. It is important that we maintain our connection to the source of our martial art, so there will be two days of training included this year. Sessions available are:
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Kuksanim – Handwork: Hwa Rang Do Hand Striking Applications to Fighting & Self Defense
In this Session Kuksanim will teach how to properly train the Hwa Rang Do hand-movements to effectively apply them in Yongtoogi Sparring as well as practical self-defense applications. It is a unique opportunity to understand the true concepts, principles, and power of HRD’s Um (Soft Circular) movements.
- Open to all students of all ranks.
- EU - 16:00 ~ 17:30
- USA Los Angeles – 7:00am ~ 8:30am
- USA Midwest – 9:00am ~ 10:30am
Dojoonim – Proper Breathing Exercises for Health and Vitality
In this Session Dojoonim will teach proper breathing exercises to maximize one’s health and vitality.
- Open to all students and we encourage your family and friends to join in as no experience is necessary as well as being beneficial to everyone, especially the elderly.
- EU - 18:00 ~ 19:30
- USA Los Angeles – 9:00am ~ 10:30am
- USA Midwest – 11:00am ~ 12:30pm
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Kuksanim – Kicking: How to Develop Proper Power & Speed for Effective Application
In this Session Kuksanim will teach how to properly train the Hwa Rang Do kicking arsenal to make it more effective in applications for both sparring and self-defense as well as reviewing in detail the proper form, techniques, and delivery of each kick.
- Open to all students of all ranks.
- EU - 16:00 ~ 17:30
- USA Los Angeles – 7:00am ~ 8:30am
- USA Midwest – 9:00am ~ 10:30am
Dojoonim - Hwa Rang Do Forms for Longevity
It is inevitable that we will all grow old no matter how fit you are today. In this Session Dojoonim will show how to practice the HRD forms as a way of maintaining health and show how to practice Hwa Rang Do no matter how old you are or whatever physical limitations one may have. Hwa Rang Do is for life and it is a way of life as movement, flow, and being active is what preserves and continues life. On the contrary, stagnation, idleness, and inactivity only invites death and decay.
- Open to all students and we encourage your family and friends to join in as no experience is necessary as well as being beneficial to everyone, especially the elderly.
- EU - 18:00 ~ 19:30
- USA Los Angeles – 9:00am ~ 10:30am
- USA Midwest – 11:00am ~ 12:30pm
- Both Full Days: $200
- One Day: $120 for both sessions of 1 day
- Individual Sessions: $70 per session
- Registration Deadline = Thursday July 7th @ midnight!
For information, requirements, expectations, details, and registration links please go to:
English = https://hwarangdo.org/whrda-2022-annual-seminars
Italian = https://hwarangdo.org/it/whrda-2022-annual-seminars
DATE: Sunday, July 10, 2022
- EU - 19:30 ~ 20:30
- USA Los Angeles – 10:30am ~ 11:30am
- USA Midwest – 12:30pm ~ 1:30pm
Annual Awards
Tournament Winners
All event participants will receive link to the Award Ceremony
Best wishes in your training for the tournament and we look forward to seeing you soon at the seminar training!
Hwarang Forever!