2021 Year in Review

Hwa Rang Do Global Online University

Cyberdojang - Online Instruction by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Kixco Martial Art Supplies

Live By The Sword

2021 Year in Review

Staying focused on the forward march along your chosen path is always the best direction to head towards. Of course we all know that the world has gone topsy-turvy, yet it is essential to always remember that despite our individual inability to control the outside world, we do have the capacity to control our responses to it.

Hwa Rang Do students, instructors, and schools have continued to walk the Hwarang path of self-betterment throughout 2021.  In fact, it is clear to see that the most active and consistent people have done the best in terms of maintaining productivity and health despite the adversity of our times.  While so many people are experiencing challenges (especially children) with the copious amount of fear and restrictions placed on natural human activity, Hwa Rang Do training keeps the body strong, emotions balanced, stress reduced, and camaraderie maintained. 

The pursuit of physical, mental, and emotional balance is a never-ending journey.  This year started off with many people finally being able to return to in-person training at their Academies & Clubs.  There have still been some government restrictions in various regions around the world, however, getting back on the mats have made a tremendous positive difference, and it has also become clearly apparent that transmission of COVID is not occurring in any of our dojangs. Common sense cleaning, proper hygiene, and the abstinence from in-person training of symptomatic people have kept people safe and the class experience available to everyone else.

The progress of skills was also put on display for our first ever digital tournament.  The opportunity to perform always sharpens the skills, and with non-edited video presentations students of all levels were able to show their merit.  The events included Open Hand Forms, Weapon Forms, Self-Defense, & Creative Demonstration divisions.  There were some great performances from all locations, however, this year the Genoa Academy won the outstanding spirit award with best performances and most competitors.

Another special component of the digital tournament this year was that all performances were personally evaluated by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee.  Not only were the presentations scored for the events, but each person received personal feedback on how to improve directly from Kuksanim.  These comments and insights surely helped everyone gain a greater perspective about proper execution of technique as well as deeper purpose of each division event’s goals.

Since travel and other large group restrictions were still in place this year, we were still able to gather for a global online event via zoom that included special training with Dojoonim & Kuksanim.  The training sessions were thorough and covered in-depth concepts of HRD’s unique healing aspects and also the finer details of striking.  Everyone was able to improve their skills and also re-connect with our art’s leaders and fellow global practitioners.
Full recap on the tournament and seminars is available here:  https://hwarangdo.org/news/2021/august/6/2021-digital-championships-and-seminar-recap

This year marked the special milestone of when Chief Instructor Marco Mattiucci first started teaching Hwa Rang Do in Italy.  Through his leadership and the enthusiastic work of all the Italian instructors, Italy has become the heartland of Hwa Rang Do with many clubs all over the peninsula.  The dedication of the students is unparalleled and everyone is constantly training hard.  Congratulations to everyone involved in making these past 20 years exceptional!

Watch the Tribute to the 20th Anniversary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhYbb_aL75U

Watch Kuksanim’s dedication to the Italian 20th Anniversary here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhYbb_aL75U

This year also brought forth another compelling training vehicle online.  Through the hwarangdo.org website there is now weekly training available to everyone directly with Grandmaster Taejoon Lee.  Along with the live interactive sessions via zoom each weekend (classes include Tae Soo Do, Weapon Fighting, and Instructor sessions), there is also a growing library archive of the classes available to all members of the program.  This is a tremendous repository of high-quality instruction right from the source of the art.  Definitely a must for all serious practitioners to stay on point!

The HRD Online Global University (HOGU) also brings forth an opportunity for people located far away from an Academy or Club the ability to train.  There are many Hwa Rang Do enthusiasts from all over the world that are taking the steps to embrace the Hwarang lifestyle, and this is also opening doors for those individuals looking to become professional instructors a way to train directly with Grandmaster Lee. 

For all current students located at existing schools please go here:  https://hwarangdo.org/global-online-classes

For all people located far from a school and need long distance training or if you are looking for instructor level professional options please go here: http://hwarangdoglobal.com/

We hope that you have also enjoyed the regular news about Hwa Rang Do that is now available online and via newsletters.  The feed will continue to provide announcements, articles, and highlights from around the world.  There is always a lot happening related to training and we will also continue to keep you up-to-date to all that is a buzz.

Live News Feed = https://hwarangdo.org/news

Newsletter Archive = https://hwarangdo.org/news/newsletters

We are grateful to everyone who donated this past year and have helped us provide additional outreach to our communities!  Our many volunteers have helped make a positive difference in the lives of students and also through community outreach on numerous occasions.

For the next year, we will be establishing a formal scholarship program for students and for future instructors.  We see the benefits of training everyday on the mat, and we want to do all that we can to assist in helping more people participate in the empowering methods of the art.

Tax deductible donations to our 501c3 organization can be made here: https://hwarangdo.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=13

Hwa Rang Do:
A Legacy of Loyalty.
Seeking Truth – Empowering Lives – Serving Humanity

Stay on the path and keep training hard everyone!
Hwarang Forever!
Master Dylan Sirny

News Release Date: 
Tuesday, December 7, 2021 - 6:34pm
World Hwa Rang Do Association - NPO
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