End of Year

Hwa Rang Do Global Online University

Cyberdojang - Online Instruction by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Kixco Martial Art Supplies

Live By The Sword

WHRDA 2021 December Newsletter

News Release Date: 
Monday, December 20, 2021 - 22:20

Please Click Here for a PDF printable version of the WHRDA 2021 December Newsletter.

2021 Year in Review

News Release Date: 
Tuesday, December 7, 2021 - 18:34

Staying focused on the forward march along your chosen path is always the best direction to head towards. Of course we all know that the world has gone topsy-turvy, yet it is essential to always remember that despite our individual inability to control the outside world, we do have the capacity to control our responses to it.

End of Year Message from Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

News Release Date: 
Friday, December 3, 2021 - 16:13

In the beginning of the new decade the World received a wakeup call, a reality check in the form of an unseen enemy that would alter the course of history and our lives will never be the same. During the last two years of the so-called pandemic of the Coronavirus, it revealed many aspects of our true human nature as individuals as well as the collective, of governments and our leaders, of mass media and conglomerates, of the super wealthy and the powermongers.