Day of Calming
The "Day of Calming" begins this Thursday November 11th at 11AM for 11 minutes!
To begin the meditation, the starting technique we recommend is the 4-7-8 breath. You breath in for 4 counts, hold breath for 7 counts and breath out for 8 counts. And then repeat 4 or 8 times. Afterwards, breathe normally and sit quietly for the remainder of the 11 minutes of meditation and just be mindful.
This technique was passed on to us by one of our board members, Dr. Andrew Weil, world renowned holistic health expert. Dr. Weil has found this relaxing breath count to be the most optimal way to begin one's journey into a meditative state of calm and peace.
Please help us share and grow this tradition by inviting your friends, family and friends to participate by going to
and use the social media to easily spread the word!
We encourage you to share video testimonies of your experience before/during/after your meditation or even Periscope your 11 minutes of peace with others. Use our hashtag #DayOfCalming so we can see it happening in real time!
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