Testimony: „Hwa Rang Do has changed them, they all said they have achieved goals which they thought were impossible”

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Testimony: „Hwa Rang Do has changed them, they all said they have achieved goals which they thought were impossible”

„Hwa Rang Do has changed them, they all said they have achieved goals which they thought were impossible”

The Hwa Rang Do Club Luxembourg would like to present to you a wonderful Testimony of one of our students’ parents. Samuel, Anouk, and Elliot who started early age as Little Tigers, now being Juniors. They share how their children changed in their personal growth through Hwa Rang Do, the martial arts training.


In spring 2018, we started looking into martial arts classes for our children as we believed that martial arts would be beneficial for them in many ways. I (Romuald) had the opportunity to follow some martial arts in my teens and as a young professional. We had never heard of Hwa Rang Do, but a colleague told us that his son was part of a great club. So, we decided to try it out! From the very first lesson, our children felt welcome and part of the group. They couldn't wait for the next class!

Since October 2018 when there were only five children (including our three) in the club, we've seen the club grow into a large and wonderful community in Luxembourg.

During the 2020 confinement, classes were online, yet the instructors continued to motivate the students with their strength and energy. We really appreciated this, as it was important for the children to keep up with their training, but also to maintain a daily routine and contact with the other students. It was challenging for our children to have to train within the restricted space of our living room rather than the comfort of the gym, but they did not give up - and we are very proud of them for that.

Over the years, we have witnessed the tremendous benefits of Hwa Rang Do in all three of our children. First, in terms of their physical strength. Hwa Rang Do is a great overall workout, building strength and flexibility. Second, and possibly most importantly, in terms of their personal development. They have grown in confidence. When we asked them how Hwa Rang Do has changed them, they all said they have achieved goals which they thought were impossible. This has helped them to learn to persevere in pursuit of their goals, however difficult it may seem. It's also great for their memory, as they have to learn long sequences of moves and phrases in Korean. Last but not least, it has helped teach them the importance of discipline and respect, which is so important in our world.

It is often hard for children to understand how the need for discipline reconciles with every individual’s right to be themselves and to have freedom of thought. Sam, in particular, has struggled with this. He says ‘Before starting Hwa Rang Do, I didn’t understand the importance of discipline. Now I do, and I get myself into trouble less often’. He is still a wonderful free spirit, but he understands now that when someone in authority asks him to do something, it is not infringing on his freedom, but it is for a good reason. This has made our lives easier too!

When we asked Anouk how Hwa Rang Do has changed her, she said ‘Thanks to the belt tests, I now feel more confident and know how to stay calm in stressful situations, for example during a test at school.’ As there will be more pressure on her over the years as she goes into the higher grades, we are grateful that she is learning to take control of her emotions in a productive way.

For Elliot, the main benefit relates to physical strength. He says because of Hwa Rang Do, he knows he is always able to defend himself.

We are really happy that we became part of the Hwa Rang Do community. We can only urge parents and children to try it out and not give up! Sometimes, at the end of the week, the children are tired and lacking in energy for class. But they always come back home with renewed strength and a smile on their faces.

We cannot thank the instructors enough for their guidance and compassion. We are also very grateful to Grandmaster Tae Joon Lee for his work in continuing his father’s legacy across the world.

We welcome every activity and opportunity that helps our children to become independent, strong, respectful and perseverant citizens of the world, and to develop an awareness of the connection between effort and result.

Hwa Rang Do is helping us to achieve this.


Romuald & Julie Kayibanda with their children Samuel (12 years), Anouk (11years) & Elliot (8 years)