Registration Deadline June 29th & Annual Award Banquet Deadline on June 22nd & dietary requirements

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Registration Deadline June 29th & Annual Award Banquet Deadline on June 22nd & dietary requirements

Registration for the 63rd World Hwa Rang Do® /Tae Soo Do® Annual Event has already started!

Don't forget to register for the Registration until June 29th  to get the best deals on tournament, seminars, accommodations and the Annual Awards Banquet & Black Sash Ceremony!

NOTE For the Annual Award Banquet, Registration is on June 22nd!  After 22 June, you will NOT be able to register or add a person for the Dinner Banquet!! 

The menu can be found:


Please also email to: about your Special Dietary Request! such as allergies, intolerances, vegans or other diets.

 Kids menus and special adult dietary requirements (allergies, vegetarian, vegan etc) need to be advised latest by June 22nd! 

Please be aware that the Hotel cannot guarantee your special dietary request after the deadline.

The DISCOUNT for the DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton is extended and will be available on a first come first serve basis.

So Don't delay and we all look forward to seeing you this July!

Here is the pertinent information for registration for your convenience. 

Tournament Registration 

Seminar Registration 

DoubleTree by Hilton Registration 

Scout House Reservation 

Annual Awards Banquet & Black Sash Ceremony Reservation ( June 22nd) 

For Italian Language, please click here: 

Once again, you will save the most by registering early, and if you wait too long you will end up paying the most with the full price!

For all official events, you or your child must be current in your Hwa Rang Do Legacy Membership and logged into to register. 

If you have any questions, please email us at the following options: 

• For General Event Questions: 
• For Technical Registration Issues Only:  Online Help Desk 

We are extremely excited to see all of you in Luxembourg.

Hwarang Forever and Godspeed! 

The Hwa Rang Do Online Team