D-25 Monday, 3 July - Team and Black Sash Finals and Grand Championship 2023

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D-25 Monday, 3 July - Team and Black Sash Finals and Grand Championship 2023

Only 25 Days until the World Hwa Rang Do® World Championships 2023 will take place on July 2nd and July 3rd in Luxembourg.


The Tournament is open to all TSD & HRD students from around the world.  Remember, all division events are divided up by age/size/ranks so there are events for everyone! 

This is your chance to compete with fellow brothers and sisters from around the world in Weapon Forms, Open Hand Forms, Sparring, Grappling, Weapon Fighting, & Demonstrations. 

We will also be holding the exciting Team challenges in Sparring, Grappling, and Weapon Fighting, so make sure you practice hard!


A special Event will take place on Monday, July 3rd at 5pm Team Finals, Black Sash Finals and Grand Championships 2023!

It's open for everyone! to all our students, instructors and to the public. You are welcome to bring family and friends! Do not miss this amazing opportunity to witness the BEST OF THE BEST!! 




Sunday July 2nd = Tae Soo Do Tournament
Weapon Forms
Open Hand Forms / Little Tiger Basics
Demonstration Competition
Group Photo
Team Competition Sparring & Grappling


Monday July 3rd = Hwa Rang Do Tournament
Weapon Foms
Open Hand Forms

Weapon Fighting Color Sash
Team Weapon Fighting

Black Sash Divisions

5pm Team Finals, Black Sash Finals and Grand Championships 2023 



More info about the Tournament: https://hwarangdo.org/2023-summer-events-tournament

Registration: https://hwarangdo.org/civicrm/event/info?id=325&reset=1

Registration until June 29th Full Price - 30€ per division

On-Site After June 30th Extra Rate - 35€ per division


If you have any questions, please email us at the following options:
• For General Event Questions: veronique.luxhrd@gmail.com
• For Technical Registration Issues Only: help@hwarangdo.org

We are extremely excited to see all of you in Luxembourg.

Hwarang Forever and Godspeed!

WHRDA Online Team