WHRDA Tournament 2023 - Tae Soo Do and Shibum Results

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WHRDA Tournament 2023 - Tae Soo Do and Shibum Results


The World Hwa Rang Do Association Annual Event Tae Soo Do Tournament Winners 2023:


Little Tigers - Kwon Bop (Basics)


Beginners White (M/F)

1st: Kristian Mocka (Lux)

2nd: Leonardo D'Esposito (Lux)

3rd: Santiago Galan De Andrés (Lux)


Beginner Yellow (M/F)

1st: Arthur Stepanov (Lux)

2nd: Adrian Seitz (Lux)

3rd: Axel Scharre (Lux)


Intermediate (M/F)

1st: Gustav Kerschen (Lux)

2nd: Laura Alföldy (Lux)

3rd: Félicien Muller (Lux)




Weapon Forms


Juniors Ssang Jyel Bong (M/F)

1st: Leone Evans (Roma-Ovest)

2nd: Isabel Hazizaj (Lux)


Juniors Jang Gum (M/F)

1st: Julia Regazzoni (Genova)

2nd: Matteo Capocci (Roma-Ovest)

3rd: Daniel Amezcua (Norwalk)


Adult Ssang Jyel Bong (M/F)

1st: Kuba Strzelec (Poland)

2nd: Covadonga Pueyo (Lux)

3rd: Jade Greene (Lux)


Adult Jang Bong Male 

1st: Sam Mestman (Hogu)

2nd: Valerio Baraschi (Roma-Ovest)

3rd: Luca Florio (Genova)


Adult Jang Bong Female

1st: Catarina Valentim (Lux)

2nd: Chloé di Millo (Lux)

3rd: Jade Kampe (Lux)

Adult Jang Gum (M/F)

1st: Szymon Mirocha (Lux)

2nd: Simone Regazzoni (Genova)

3rd: Damian Bonaldo (Roma-Ovest)




Open Hand Forms 


Juniors White (M/F)

1st: Anna Keane (Lux)

2nd: Aixa Gonçalves (Lux)

3rd: Denys Piatunin (Lux)


Juniors Orange/Yellow (M/F)

1st: Hugo Bouvier (Lux)

2nd: Leone Evans (Roma-Ovest)

3rd: Oleh Slobodenyuk (Lux)


Juniors Intermediate Green (M/F)

1st: Léa Alexandre (Lux)

2nd: Juniper Magner (Minneapolis)

3rd: Mikhail Medvedev (Lux)


Juniors Intermediate Purple/Blue (M/F)

1st: Isabel Hazizaj (Lux)

2nd: Eva Teodorescu (Lux)

3rd: Damir Miklin (Lux)


Juniors 8-10 years Advanced (M/F)

1st: Adam Berkovitch (Lux)

2nd: Bram De Moor (Bergen op Zoom)

3rd: Elliot Kayibanda (Lux)


Juniors 11-12 years Advanced (M/F)

1st: Daniel Amezcua (Norwalk)

2nd: Matteo Capocci (Roma-Ovest)

3rd: Flavia Misson-Bellucci (Lux)


Adults Beginners (M/F)

1st: Jade Greene (Lux)

2nd: Kuba Strzelec (Poland)

3rd: Claire Thibor (Lux)


Adults Intermediate Female

1st: Covadonga Pueyo (Lux)

2nd: Jade Kampe (Lux)

3rd: Chloé Di Millo (Lux)


Adults Intermediate Green/Purple Male 

1st: Sam Mestman (Hogu)

2nd: Bogdan Teodorescu (Lux)

3rd: Pedro Pueyo (Lux)


Adults Intermediate Blue Male

1st: André Valentim (Lux)

2nd: Edward Berkovitch (Lux)

3rd: Valerio Baraschi (Roma-Ovest)


Adults Advanced Male

1st: Szymon Mirocha (Lux)

2nd: Damian Bonaldo (Roma-Ovest)

3rd: Aurélien Benoit (Lux)






Little Tigers (3-7 years): Beginners, Light Weight (M/F)

1st: Adrian Seitz (Lux)

2nd: Celeste Van Oijen (Bergen op Zoom)

3rd: Axel Scharre (Lux)


Little Tigers (3-7 years): Intermediate, Light Weight (M/F)

1st: Laura Alföldy (Lux)

2nd: Rafaël Martiny (Lux)

3rd: Félicien Muller (Lux)


Juniors (8-12 years): Beginners, Light weight (M/F)

1st: Leona Evans (Roma-Ovest)

2nd: Hugo Bouvier (Lux)

3rd: Oleh Slobodenyuk (Lux)


Juniors (8-12 years): Intermediate, Light weight (M/F)

1st: Léa Alexandre (Lux)

2nd: Isabel Hazizaj (Lux)

3rd: Damir Miklin (Lux)

Juniors (8-12 years): Intermediate, Heavy weight (M/F)

1st: Juniper Magner (Minneapolis)

2nd: Eva Teodorescu (Lux)

3rd: Sophia Teodorescu (Lux)


Juniors (8-12 years): Advanced Light Weight (M/F)

1st: Flavia Misson-Bellucci (Lux)

2nd: Anouk Kayibanda (Lux)

3rd: Adam Berkovitch (Lux)


Juniors (8-12 years): Advanced Heavy Weight (M/F)

1st: Samuel Kayibanda (Lux)

2nd: Matteo Capocci (Roma-Ovest)

3rd: Bram de Moor (Bergen op Zoom)


Teens (13-16 years): Intermediate Male

1st: Lio Nosbusch (Lux)

2nd: Valerio Baraschi (Roma-Ovest)


Teens /Adults: Intermediate Heavy Weight Female

1st: Jade Kampe (Lux)

2nd: Flavia Todaro (Pisa)

3rd: Tessy Hoffmann (Lux)


Adults (17 years and up): Beginners Male

1st: Kuba Strzelec (Poland)

2nd: Florent Thibor (Lux)

3rd: David Bouvier (Lux)


Adults (17 years and up): Intermediate Light Weight Female

1st: Chloé Di Millo (Lux)

2nd: Covadonga Pueyo (Lux)

3rd: Claire Thibor (Lux) 


Adults (17 years and up): Intermediate Heavy Weight Male

1st: Sam Mestman (Hogu)

2nd: Edward Berkovitch (Lux)

3rd: Bogdan Teodorescu (Lux)


Adults (17 years and up): Advanced Heavy Weight Male

1st: Aurélien Benoit (Lux)

2nd: Giona Doddis Mantovani (Genova)

3rd: Carlo Alberto Grecchi (Lux) 




Gotoogi (Grappling)


Little Tigers: Heavy weight Position (M/F)

1st: Celeste Van Oijen (Bergen op Zoom)

2nd: Leonardo D'Esposito (Lux)

3rd: Axel Scharre (Lux)


Little Tigers: Light weight Position (M/F)

1st: Theodore Kerschen (Lux)

2nd: Arthur Stepanov (Lux)

3rd: Santiago Galan de Andrés (Lux)


Little Tigers: Light Weight Submission (M/F)

1st: Gustav Kerschen (Lux)

2nd: Félicien Muller (Lux)

3rd: Laura Alföldy (Lux)


Juniors: Light Weight Position (M/F)

1st: Gilvana Da Luz Lima Fortes (Lux)

2nd: Denys Piatunin (Lux)

3rd: Adrian Seitz (Lux)


Juniors: Heavy Weight Position (M/F)

1st: Hugo Bouvier (Lux)

2nd: Oleh Slobodenyuk (Lux)

3rd: Igor Sharipov (Lux)


Juniors: Light Weight Submission (M/F)

1st: Anouk Kayibanda (Lux)

2nd: Damir Miklin (Lux)

3rd: Isabel Hazizaj (Lux)


Juniors: Intermediate/Advanced Light Weight Submission (M/F)

1st: Julia Regazzoni (Genova)

2nd: Flavia Misson-Bellucci (Lux)

3rd: Sophia Teodorescu (Lux)


Juniors: Light Weight Submission Male

1st: Adam Berkovitch (Lux)

2nd: Matteo Capocci (Roma-Ovest)

3rd: Bram de Moor (Bergen op Zoom)


Juniors: Heavy Weight Submission (M/F)

1st: Samuel Kayibanda (Lux)

2nd: Eva Teodorescu (Lux)

3rd: Juniper Magner (Minneapolis)


Adults: Light Weight Position Male 

1st: Kuba Strzelec (Poland)

2nd: Florent Thibor (Lux)

3rd: David Bouvier (Lux)


Adults: Light Weight Submission Female

1st: Claire Thibor (Lux)

2nd: Chloé Di Millo (Lux)

3rd: Covadonga Pueyo (Lux)


Adults: Heavy Weight Submission Female

1st: Flavia Todaro (Pisa)

2nd: Tessy Hoffmann (Lux)

3rd: Jade Kampe (Lux)


Adults: Light Weight Submission Male

1st: Simone Regazzoni (Genova)

2nd: Valerio Baraschi (Roma-Ovest)

3rd: Giona Doddis Mantovani (Genova)


Adults: Heavy Weight Submission Male

1st: André Valentim (Lux)

2nd: Aurélien Benoit (Lux)

3rd: Edward Bekovitch (Lux)







1st: Luxembourg Junior TGT (Lux)

2nd: Kayibanda's (Lux)


Adults Mixed

1st: Hwa Rang Do Club Luxembourg (Lux)

2nd: Hwa Rang Do Academy Genova (Genova)