WHRDA Non-Profit Update May 2021

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WHRDA Non-Profit Update May 2021

2020 was a year focused on rolling with the COVID punches, and prioritizing the move to digital platforms in order to keep our students actively training and connected.  Despite the lack of ability to traverse in the world throughout most countries, we were able to connect through zoom training and through our own digital platform. 

However, the lockdowns and the economic downturn took a significant toll on the operations of our non-profit outreach and funding drive efforts.  Not only were many of our volunteers prevented from conducting our non-profit endeavors, but they also had to deal with their own immediate needs for survival, leaving less room for actions related to our global mission.  Additionally, many foundations and grant opportunities tightened up, as well as the ability of individual donors to contribute due to the uncertainty of the times.  It has obviously been tough times for us all….. 

Thankfully however, the chapter of the last year is hopefully coming to an end, and our association officers are ramping up efforts to get the wheels moving toward new opportunities.  The past few months have involved: 

  • Laying the groundwork to process specific funding drives in-house on our own software platform located at hwarangdo.org.  We no longer have to rely on 3rd party processing services, which will also cut down on the % taken from bank fees.  We will also be able to maintain a better relationship directly with all donors and supporters going forward. 

  • We have started the process of developing new marketing materials and are organizing to submit for more grant opportunities as they start to become available once again. 

  • We have new officers stepping into important positions:

  • Matt Parrish is now the official Treasurer.  After coming back to serious training a few years ago from an extended break to grow his family, he is bringing his professional accounting experience to the table to make sure all is solid on our fiscal fronts. 

  • Giuseppe Morelli is stepping up as the EU Liaison and Funding Director for the association after his yearlong mission trip to Africa.  Read more here!

  • Daniel LaFave, the lead youth program Instructor from the Minneapolis Academy is now also the chief editor for our global news program, and will also be working on various marketing efforts related to our non-profit organization and global HRD presence. 

  • Veronique Wilhelm, Public Relations and Social Media Director of Luxembourg will be working in a similar capacity for the WHRDA and its efforts. 

The officers and Master Sirny, meet regularly directly with Kuksanim and it is exciting to be getting important things accomplished related to our non-profit mission of serving humanity and providing a means of real personal empowerment through the vehicle of Hwa Rang Do’s traditional martial art methodologies and philosophy. 

Hwa Rang Do® is truly unique, as it is the only martial art non-profit humanitarian development organization in the world.  Most other martial arts focus either on sport, technique, profit, or violence, however, the path to peace comes from self-ownership and taking responsibility for maximizing your own human potential.  We must put in the time and do the work in order to develop our skills, our strengths, and our capabilities.  We must sow before we can reap, so make sure to stay on the Path of the Hwarang! 

News Release Date: 
Saturday, May 1, 2021 - 3:34am
Hwa Rang Do World Headquarters