Hwa Rang Do Minneapolis Summer Camps 2021

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Hwa Rang Do Minneapolis Summer Camps 2021

The summer is off to a great start at the Minneapolis Hwa Rang Do® Academy! Two summer camp sessions were offered in the month of June.  The first session was Robotics Week, June 14 - 18, and the second session was All Around The World, June 21-25.   During Robotics Week the children had ample time to refine their skills through focusing on the technical proficiencies of long form and self-defense techniques. 

When they weren't on the mat, the kids were learning about the foundations of rockets and robots used by NASA, took a field trip to The Works Museum, and spent many hours building an actual robot!  

During the second week of camp, the kids discovered more about Hwa Rang Do® and why it is the most complete martial arts system in the world today.  They got a taste of everything - self-defense, grappling, weapons and more!  Time was also spent exploring the ancient history and spirit of the Hwarang Warriors. 

Paired with the all-encompassing training, the youth traveled the world, without leaving the Dojang.  The children made passports and collected stamps as they "traveled",  played games that are popular in different countries and had a week long art project where they made their very own paper mâché globe. 

When I asked one child if they were enjoying the summer camps, they quickly replied "Absolutely! If it wasn't for the camp, I would be sitting inside, playing video games." 

I witnessed firsthand the impact of these camps.  The kids put in so much effort these past two weeks - they trained hard and played hard, they had individualized attention, worked together as a team, and they had a blast doing it all!  

  It is sure to be an amazing summer of long-awaited connection, visible smiles, and fun! 


-Stazi Godin

Program Coordinator for Tomorrow's Leading Knights




News Release Date: 
Sunday, August 1, 2021 - 5:13pm
Hwa Rang Do Minneapolis Branch
Hwa Rang Do World Headquarters