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Tomorrow's Leading Knights Summer Highlights

News Release Date: 
Friday, October 1, 2021 - 18:51

Another amazing summer of Tomorrow’s Leading Knights (TLK) Summer Camps have wrapped up at the Hwa Rang Do® Minneapolis Academy!  And although, we have our eye on fall & winter programming (and even next summer already), it is important we reflect on the memories of the past few months. 

Hwa Rang Do Minneapolis Summer Camps 2021

News Release Date: 
Sunday, August 1, 2021 - 17:13

The summer is off to a great start at the Minneapolis Hwa Rang Do® Academy! Two summer camp sessions were offered in the month of June.  The first session was Robotics Week, June 14 - 18, and the second session was All Around The World, June 21-25.   During Robotics Week the children had ample time to refine their skills through focusing on the technical proficiencies of long form and self-defense techniques.