2022 Summer Events - Info Coming Soon - Save the Dates
Hello everyone!
This is a quick note for you to save the dates of July 9th & 10th for a 2 Day Seminar Training Event with Dojoonim & Kuksanim along with our fellow brothers and sisters from around the world! Due to ongoing restrictions and logistics related to travel and facilities, we hope that this will be the last year that we have to forgo an in-person gathering. For 2022 we will once again be conducting an international ZOOM event with dojangs hosting the training sessions for all local members. If you cannot attend at a training center, you will also be able to participate where ever you may find yourself. Just make sure your calendar is set though, as you won't want to miss out on the opportunity to train with our head Grandmasters!
Along with the 2-day seminars, we will also be holding another digital world championship tournament this spring that will be open to all students of all belt levels. Once again, details will be announced shortly, however there will be events in: OPEN HAND FORMS (Basics for Tigers), WEAPON FORMS, SELF-DEFENSE, & CREATIVE DEMONSTRATION. Video submissions will likely be due June 1st, so start practicing now as we all look forward to the performances!
*Winners from the Digital Championships will be announced during the seminar weekend of July 9th & 10th.
Stay tuned, for more info coming soon!