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Opening a Hwa Rang Do School During the Covid-19 Pandemic!

News Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 - 15:56


I am Kyo Sa Nim Mauro Capocci, Instructor of Hwa Rang Do® & Tae Soo Do® Club Rome West and a direct student of the Italian Branch Head Instructor Susuk Sa Bum Nim Marco Mattiucci.

My Experience in Africa

News Release Date: 
Saturday, May 1, 2021 - 17:14

"Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value."

Albert Einstein

I had a very good job in the Banking Service industry. At the age of 34, I was promoted to Executive Director level, with responsibilities for a product worth more than 100 million Euros per annum, and teams located in several European, and US hubs of the company that I was working for. I had worked very hard to be successful at my job, and I felt I had reached that goal, even going beyond my own dreams. I was successful. For quite some time I enjoyed that happiness that always comes with the sense of achievement. Something similar to that which a runner feels after a marathon: every muscle of their legs ache, their throat is sore from the intensified breathing and they are covered in sweat, and yet there is always a big smile on their face: they are victorious and have overcome the challenge! Most of them do not even take the time to celebrate that moment, and are already thinking about the next run.