This event is open to ALL Hwa Rang Do and Tae Soo Do practitioners of all ages and ranks. There will be divisions for children through adults of ALL ranks, so prepare for an exciting day!
The title of this event is the “Musa Challenge” and the term “Musa” in Korean means warrior (or more literally “martial person”). This event will challenge all participants on their package of skills, as there will be competitions in weapon forms, open hand forms/basics, grappling, sparring and weapon fighting (Gumtoogi, Gumtoogi Open, Bongtoogi and Bongtoogi Open).
Train hard, and prepare for a great day of Hwarang Action!
7:30 = Judges Prep
8:00 – 8:50 = Check-In Opens (Little Tigers and Juniors)
9:00 = Competition for Little Tigers and Juniors begins
10:30 - 11:00 = Check-Ins opens for Teens and Adults
12:00 = Mandatory Group Photo (with all students and parents)
Until 17:00 = End
- Weapon Forms & Little Tiger Basics
- Open Hand Forms
- Grappling (Positions for beginners, Submission Grappling Intermediate and up)
- Sparring / Yongtoogi
Only students with Armor
- Gumtoogi (Jukdo)
- Gumtoogi Open (Twin Swords or Jukdo)
- Bongtoogi (Long Staff)
- Bongtoogi Open (Twin Stick or Long Staff)
All Ages & Ranks of students will compete for each event division category listed above. As one event completes, we will move directly into the next category.
Every Student must compete at least in Open Hand Form (Basics for Little Tigers), Grappling and Sparring!
Requirements for Weapon Form (Juniors & Teens & Adults Only)
students who are Yellow Belts must compete in Tae Soo Ssang Jyel Bong Hyung
Students who are Blue belts must compete in Tae Soo Jang Bong Hyung
Students who are Half Black Belts must compete in Tae Soo Gum Moo Hyung
!!!All other ranks if they know the weapon form, they are encouraged to participate but the above must compete in weapon forms
Sorry, but we are unable to provide specific times due to the many subdivisions that will occur for each category.
National Martial Arts Hall (Hall national des arts martiaux)
297, rue de Reckenthal
L-2410 Strassen
(google maps: Karate Club Strassen)
Free Parking available
Registration Deadlines
Early registration: 1 January 2025 until 31 January 2025 at 23h59:
1 Division: 15€ + additional one 10€
Registration: 1 February 2025 at 00:00 until 28 February at 23h59:
1 Division: 20€ + additional one 10€
Late Registration: 1 March 2025 at 00h00 until 22 March 2025 at 18h00
1 Division 25€ + additional one 15€
On Spot: 23 March 2025:
1 Division 30€ + additional one 15€
Everyone is encouraged to compete all divisions so you can gain experience, evolve yourself, and gain skills in all areas of Hwa Rang Do and Tae Soo Do.
Hwarang forever & God Bless!
The Hwa Rang Do Club Luxembourg
Strassen, LU 2410-L
Event Fee | |
1 Division Events | €20.00 |
2 Division Events | €30.00 |
3 Division Events | €40.00 |
4 Division Events | €50.00 |
5 Division Events | €60.00 |
6 Division Events | €70.00 |
7 Division Event | €80.00 |
8 Event Division | €90.00 |
Select Divisions | |
Open Hand Froms OR Basics (Tigers) | |
Weapon Forms | |
Sparring | |
Grappling | |
Gumtoogi Janggum | |
Gumtoogi Open | |
Bongtooi Jangbong | |
Bongtoogi Open | |
I Agree |
Event Host Location